Wednesday 1 August 2018

General English Questions and Answers for Competitive Exam

General English Questions and Answers

Hi friends, General English questions are usually asked in all Gov.exams like IBPS,RRB,PSC,SSC etc. So now we learn some important General English questions and answers, try to understand the grammar tricks and practice these type of questions also.Good luck.

1. The meaning of 'Defy':
A. Obey
B. Agree
C. Challenge
D. Cheat
Ans : C. Challenge

2. An expert in choice of food:
A. Gourmand
B. Gourmet
C. Glutton
D. Garrulous
Ans : B. Gourmet

3. 'Homage' means:
A. Poverty
B. Excessive humility
C. Respect and reverence
D. Insincere flattery
Ans : C. Respect and reverence

4. 'Alias' means:
A. Otherwise
B. Assistant
C. Genuine
D. Entirely
Ans : A. Otherwise

5. Identify the part of speech that is underlined:
She has a beautiful handwriting.
A. Adjective
B. Adverb
C. Noun
D. Verb
Ans : A. Adjective

6. Fools rush in where angels fear to --------------------
A. Tread
B. Thread
C. Threat
D. Treat
Ans : C. Threat

7. Pick out the one word for - think about something for a long time.
A. Contempt
B. Contest
C. Confront
D. Contemplate
Ans : D. Contemplate

8. He fell ill after -------------------contaminated food.
A. eat
B. ate
C. eaten
D. eating
Ans : D. eating

9. The meaning of the word - debauchery
A. immortal
B. immaculate
C. immoral
D. imminent
Ans : C. immoral

10. John as well as his parents ----------------- coming.
A. are
B. were
C. has
D. is
Ans : D. is

11. Roy stood first in the test, --------------------?
A. hadn't he?
B. didn't he?
C. won't he?
D. wasn't he?
Ans : B. didn't he?

12. Shreya is the --------------- student in her class.
A. clever
B. cleverer
C. cleverest
D. more clever
Ans : C. cleverest

13. Change into reported speech.
Anu said him, "when'll you marry me ?"
A. Anu asked him when would he marry her.
B. Anu asked him when he would he marry her.
C. Anu asked him when would he married her.
D. Anu asked him, when he would married her.
Ans : B. Anu asked him when he would he marry her.

14. If he hadn't fallen sick,he --------------the exam.
A. would has written
B. would have been written
C. would have written
D. would write
Ans : C. would have written

15. She comes to school -------------------bus.
A. by
B. on
C. to
D. in
Ans : A. by

16. How much is a baker's dozen ?
A. 12
B. 13
C. 24
D. 20
Ans : B. 13

17. Choose the synonym of - ludicrous
A. absurd
B. absolve
C. abjure
D. None of the above
Ans : A. absurd

18. What is a female sheep called?
A. Ram
B. Lamb
C. Ewe
D. Calf
Ans : C. Ewe

19. Antonym of - bravery
A. courage
B. cowardice
C. conceal
D. construct
Ans : B. cowardice

20. Select the idiom which means 'unable to reach a decision':
A. Miss the boat
B. Once in blue moon
C. Sit on the fence
D. The last straw
Ans : C. Sit on the fence

21. It is difficult to --------------- his rude behaviour.
A. put on
B. put up with
C. put into
D. put in
Ans : B. put up with

22. He will do the work. (Change into passive voice)
A. The work will done by him.
B. The work will be do by him.
C. The work will be did by him.
D. The work will be done by him.
Ans : D. The work will be done by him.

23. Choose the correctly spelt word:
A. Twelfth
B. Twelveth
C. Twelvth
D. None of the above
Ans : A. Twelfth

24. What do you call a group of owls?
A. Pride
B. Pandemonium
C. Party
D. Parliament
Ans : D. Parliament

25. Artists and writers are normally very ----------------
A. creating
B. creative
C. created
D. creatively
Ans : B. creative

26. 'Ibidem' means:
A. intimate friend
B. in the beginning 
C. in the same place
D. on one side
Ans : C. in the same place

27. The weak should not --------------
A. insulated
B. insulating
C. be insulating
D. be insulated
Ans : D. be insulated

28. 'A square deal' means :
A. A good bargain
B. A hidden enemy
C. Unfounded suspicion
D. A strange person
Ans : A. A good bargain

29. -------------- Satabdi train is the fastest train in India.
A. The
B. An
C. A
D. No article needed.
Ans : A. The 

30. The teacher says it is ------------- hopeless case.
A. a
B. an
C. the 
D. none of these
Ans : A. a

31. Be careful not to --------------your money.
A. loose
B. lose
C. loss
D. losing
Ans : B. lose

32. --------------- told you that story ?
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Whose
D. What
Ans : A. Who

33. The opposite of 'Encouraged' is :
A. Couraged
B. Incouraged
C. Discouraged
D. Of couraged
Ans : C. Discouraged

34. The synonym of 'Ascend' is :
A. Fall
B. Concise
C. Soar
D. Restrain
Ans : C. Soar

35. 'Of a bride' is:
A. Bridle
B. Bridel
C. Bridal
D. Braid
Ans : C. Bridal

36. A make ------------ shelter was made for the refugees.
A. shift
B. up
C. believe
D. off
Ans : A. shift

37. A ---------------of musicians.
A. bunch
B. band
C. gang
D. committee
Ans : B. band

38. 'To smell a rat' means:
A. To see signs of plague epidemic
B. To get bad smell of a dead rat
C. To be in a bad mood
D. To suspect foul dealings
Ans : D. To suspect foul dealings

39. He  ran away very -------------
A. fast
B. faster
C. fastest
D. fastly
Ans : A. fast

40. John usually goes to work ----------------bus.
A. by
B. in
C. on
D. with
Ans : A. by

41. A group of people ------------waiting outside to see you.
A. are
B. have
C. be
D. is
Ans : D. is

42. One who knows everything:
A. Panacea
B. Omnivorous
C. Omniscient
D. Pedant
Ans : C. Omniscient

43. The earth travels round the sun -----------------107,000 kms hour.
A. at
B. for
C. on
D. in
Ans : A. at

44. Choose the word opposite in meaning to 'ADVERSE':
A. Unlucky
B. Favourable
C. Troubling
D. Distressing
Ans : B. Favourable

45. Prevention is better than ----------------
A. care
B. cure
C. share
D. prayer
Ans : B. cure

46. Sheela is not ------------------ as her sister.
A. taller
B. taller that
C. tallest
D. as tall
Ans : D. as tall

47. The meaning of 'Pacify':
A. Calm down
B. Satisfy
C. Rouse
D. Rejoice
Ans : A. Calm down

48. Our electricity was -------------for about ten hours today.
A. cut out
B. cut down
C. cut off
D. cut up
Ans : C. cut off

49. I looked -------------the number in the telephone directory.
A. on
B. up
C. in
D. of
Ans : B. up

50. 'Alter ego' means:
A. Enemy
B. Intimate friend
C. Without end
D. Wreckage
Ans : B. Intimate friend

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for Competitive Exam

1. Give the correct spelling
A. Burocracy
B. Bureaucracy
C. Beaurocracy
D. Bureaucrasy
Ans : B. Bureaucracy

2. Choose the word spelt correctly
A. Cemetery
B. Vomitting
C. Hypocrate
D. Sucseed
Ans : A. Cemetery
  • Correct spelling : Vomiting , Hypocrite , Succeed.
3. Antonym of 'adversity'
A. Diversity
B. Calamity
C. Prosperity
D. Affliction
Ans : C. Prosperity

Diversity X Similarity
Calamity X Blessing
Affliction X Delight

4. One who has no death:
A. Permanent
B. Perpetual
C. Perennial
D. Immortal
Ans : D. Immortal

Perpetual - lasting for eternity
Perennial - lasting or active through the year or years.

5. Walking in sleep:
A. Hallucination
B. Somnolence
C. Somnambulism
D. Hypnotism
Ans : C. Somnambulism

Hallucination - A false or mistaken idea
Somnolence - Sleepiness

6. 'To give up' means :
A. to emit
B. to yield
C. to break
D. to abandon
Ans : D. to abandon

7. Give the feminine gender of 'bachelor':
A. Maiden
B. Spinster
C. Virgin
D. Lady
Ans : B. Spinster

8. Give the correct tag: Roy looks happy:......................?
A. does he
B. did he
C. doesn't he
D. don't he
Ans : C. doesn't he
  • Auxiliary verb does (does+look-looks) [Pronoun of Roy - 'he']
9. He returned after ................... hour.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. just
Ans : B. an

10. My father ................. his sister last week.
A. called at
B. called in
C. called on
D. called off
Ans : C. called on

Some Phrases and Meaning

  • Call on   - to visit a person
  • Call at    - to visit a place
  • Call off   - to postpone, cancel
  • Call in    - to summon for assistance or consultation
  • Call down- to find fault with
  • Call for    - to require , demand
  • Call out   - to summon
  • Call up    - to bring to mind
  • Call upon - to order , require

English Proverbs & its meaning

  1. A bad workman blames his tools - If someone performs a job or task poorly or unsuccessfully, they will usually lay the blame on the quality of their equipment, or other such external factors, rather than take responsibility for their own failure.
  2. A little learning is a dangerous thing - A small amount of knowledge can mislead people into thinking that they are more expert than they really are.
  3. A rolling stone gathers no moss - Someone who does not settle in one place rarely prospers.
  4. A watched kettle seldom boils - Time feels longer when you're waiting for something to happen.
  5. Handsome is that handsome does - One's character is more important than one's physical attractiveness.
  6. Character is destiny - Character is everything in man’s life. It is the sum total of all the good qualities in a man. Honesty, truth, compassion and consideration for others are part of a good character. 
  7. Cut your coat according to the cloth - It is necessary for everyone to make a proper plan before one begins to put any task into practice. A person who spends more than his income will soon fall into trouble. So this proverb instructs to live within our means and resources.
  8. Good wine needs no bush - An item of good quality needs no advertisement.
  9. A bad penny always turns up - A disreputable or prodigal person will always return. More generally, this proverb refers to the recurrence of any unwanted event.
  10. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link - the 'weakest link' referred to is figurative and usually applies to a person or technical feature rather than the link of an actual chain.

Practice questions and answers

1. -------- mother would like to see you
A) The
B) An
C) A
D) None of these
Correct Option : D

2. The Ganga is ---sacred river
A) the
B) an
C) a
D) No article
Correct Option : C

3. It was ----- unanimous decision
A) an
B) the
C) a
D) on
Correct Option : C

4. She made ------- attempt to cross the bridge
A) the
B) an
C) of
D) many
Correct Option : B

5. Use the correct form of article. There were several battles between English and French in India
A) The English and the French
B) The English and French
C) An English and the French
D) None of these
Correct Option : A

6. Capital punishment is considered ------ ultimate punishment for any crime
A) a
B) an
C) the
D) No article
Correct Option : C

7. When she plays -------- piano, she seems to be in heaven
A) an
B) a
C) the
D) at
Correct Option : C

8. ------- iron is a useful metal
A) a
B) an
C) the
D) No article
Correct Option : D

9. ------- college has ------ new look
A) an, the
B) a, the
C) the, a
D) an, a
Correct Option : C

10. Pick out the wrongly used article
A) A flower
B) An African
C) A furniture
D) The Ganges
Correct Option : C

11. He is on ------- high duty
A) no article
B) a
C) the
D) an
Correct Option : A

12. He speaks -------- English language fluently
A) a
B) an
C) the
D) none of these
Correct Option : B

13. The man jumped ----- the pond
A) in
B) to
C) on
D) into
Correct Option : D

14. She accused me --------- poisoning her dog
A) Of
B) for
C) on
D) about
Correct Option : A

15. Latha has trouble -------- remembering people’s names
A) with
B) to
C) in
D) on
Correct Option : A

16. Suresh was born ------- 1961
A) on
B) in
C) at
D) of
Correct Option : B

17. Never try to rely ------- foolish people
A) of
B) to
C) with
D) on
Correct Option : D

18. Don’t pry -------- other people’s secretes
A) with
B) on
C) into
D) by
Correct Option : C

19. He takes pride --------- his son
A) of
B) in
C) about
D) for
Correct Option : B

20. She has no taste ---------- music
A) in
B) for
C) with
D) at
Correct Option : B

21. Every citizen should abide --------- the laws of the state
A) upon
B) with
C) by
D) up
Correct Option : C

22. Drivers must conform ----- traffic rules to avoid accidents
A) with
B) for
C) to
D) in
Correct Option : C

23. My camera is superior ------ yours
A) by
B) for
C) to
D) than
Correct Option : C

24. The child was unwilling to part --------- his toys
A) for
B) at
C) on
D) with
Correct Option : D

25. He has a deep distrust ---------- his neighbours
A) for
B) with
C) by
D) of
Correct Option : D

English study materials for competitive exams

Basic English Grammar Objective Questions and Answers

Competitive exams-2018: English questions and answers

General English Questions and Answers for Competitive Exam
General English Questions and Answers for Competitive Exam



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