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Saturday, 10 February 2018

Competitive exams English: PSC 2018

Hi friends,

    You can attempt English syllabus questions for easy too. There are a lot of General Knowledge questions on this site. Now I am providing you very useful and latest English Spell check questions and answers for SSC , PSC exams,  and many other Competitive Exams.

English: PSC 2018

1 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Vetarinary B. Veterinary
C. Veteninary D. Vetinary   
Answer: B

2 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Accomodaton B. Acomodation
C. Acommodation D. Accommodation
Answer: D

3 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Treacherous B. Trecherous
C. Trechearous D. Treachrous
Answer: A

4 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Rigerous B. Rigorous
C. Regerous D. Rigourous
Answer: B

5 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Itinerary B. Itinarary
C. Itnerary D. Itinerory
Answer: A

6 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Forecaste B. Forcast
C. Forecust D. Forecast
Answer: D

7 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Benifited B. Benefited
C. Benefitted D. Benefitid
Answer: B

8 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Bouquit B. Boucquet
C. Bouquet D. Bouquett
Answer: C

9 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Indispensable B. Indispinsable
C. Indispencable D. Endispensable
Answer: A

10 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Efficieant B. Effecient
C. Efficent D. Efficient
Answer: D

11 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Palete B. Palate
C. Palatte D. Palte
Answer: B

12 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Chancellery B. Chancellerry
C. Chanccellery D. Chancelery
Answer: A

13 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Foriegn B. Foreigne
C. Forign D. Foreign
Answer: D

14 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Humoros B. Humorus
C. Humorous D. Homorous
Answer: C

15 . Spelling test - find correct spelling :
A. Pessenger B. Passenger
C. Pasenger D. Passengar
Answer: B

Competitive exam English questions and answers-

PSC Questions and answers - English-

PSC General Knowledge questions and answer-
Competitive exams English: PSC 2018
Competitive exams English: PSC 2018
