Wednesday 18 July 2018

Most useful English Phrases & Idioms for UPSC,SSC,PSC students

Most useful English Phrases & Idioms

Hi friends ,today we can learn several  English Phrases & Idioms.This type of questions surely asked in all competitive exams like UPSC,SSC,PSC and all other Gov exams. So friends try to understand the tricks of questions, so you can answer it  an easy manner.  

Phrases & Idioms

1. Acid test : a decisive test to determine whether something is genuine or valid.

2. Across the board : all or everything,or a total and complete achievement.

3. Sweep the board : win everything.

4. All singing all dancing : full of features/gimmicks.         

5. Amateur : non professional or unpaid.

6. Alma mater : (my) university from the Latin, meaning 'fostering mother'.

7. Apple of his eye/ apple of your eye/apple of my eye : a person much adored or doted on , loved , held dearly.

8.  Take a back seat : have little or only observational involvement in something.

9. Bring home the bacon : achieve a challenge , bring back the prize or earn a living.

10. Barbarian : rough or wild person.

11. Blood is thicker than water : family loyalties are greater than those between friends.

12. Bolt from the blue : sudden shock or surprise.

13. Give me a break /give him a break : make allowance , tolerate , overlook a mistake.

14. Bulls and bears,bull markets and bear markets : stock exchange and financial markets terminology.

15. Bury the hatchet : agree to stop arguing of feuding although pre-dated by a British version now much less popular.

16. By and large : generally/one way or another one of a number of maritime terms; 'by and large' literally meant 'to the wind and off it'.

17.  Le the cat out of the bag : give away or disclose a secret.

18. Caught red-handed : caught in the act of doing something wrong,or immediately afterwards with evidence showing, so that denial is pointless.

19. Charisma : personal magnetism,charm,presence.

20. Living in cloud cuckoo land : being unrealistic or in a fantasy state.

21. Cut to the chase : get to the point,get to the important or exciting part (of a story,explanation,presentation,etc.)

22. Cut the mustard : meet the challenge,do the job,pass the test.

23. Cut to the quick : offend a person sharply and deeply.

24. Devil's advocate : someone posing a hypothetical argument against a logical proposition.

25. Die hard : stubbornly resisting change or clinging to a seemingly hopeless or outdated cause.

26. Doldrums : depressed lazy state.

27. Double cross : to behave duplicitous,to betray or cheat.

28. At the drop of a hat : instantly.

29. Eat humble pie : acknowledge one's own mistake or adopt a subordinate position.

30. Egg on your face : to look stupid.

31. Eleventh hour : just in time

32. Make ends meet : budget tightly or to have just enough money to pay for the things that you need.

33. Etiquette : how to behave in polite society.

34. A feather in your cap : a recognized achievement.

35. To end in fiasco : complete failure.

36. Kick the bucket : to die.

37. Lame duck : person or thing no longer for purpose.

38. End of the line : point at which further effort on a project or activity is not possible or futile.

39. Line your pockets : make a lot of money for yourself,perhaps not legitimately.

40. Needle in a haystack : impossible search for something relatively tiny.

41. Dressed up to the nines/dressed to the nines : wearing very smart of elaborate clothes.

42. In a nutshell : drastically reduced or summerised.

43. Off-hand : surprising/unpleasant.

44. Beyond the pale : behaviour outside normal accepted limits.

45. Panacea : cure or solution for wide-ranging problem.

46. Paraphernalia : personal belongings,or accessories,equipment associated with a trade or hobby.

47. Peeping tom : someone who secretly looks at others in a private state of undress or intimacy.

48. Pick holes : determinedly find lots of faults.

49. From pillar to post : having to go to lots of places,forced to keep moving from one place to another.

50. Pull your socks up : to make an effort to improve your work or behaviour because it is not good enough.

English study materials for competitive exams

English Questions and Answers for all type competitive exams

Most useful English Phrases & Idioms for UPSC,SSC,PSC students
Most useful English Phrases & Idioms for UPSC,SSC,PSC students



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