Wednesday 7 March 2018

KAS GK Questions and Answers


Tips For Cracking Science:

Hi learners,
One of the hallmarks of science is the ability to ask the question,"why?" and find a rational conclusion to things around us.For KAS we can expect questions around why a common phenomenon like oil rising up the wick occurs or why silica gels are used in packaging.Further a through revision of 10th standard physics,chemistry,and biology is necessary to answer the factual questions.A few current affairs related technology questions and answers, as well as questions related to Nobel prizes can also expected.

1. The lens used to rectify the disease,"Myopia" :
A. Convex lens
B. Concave lens
C. Biconcave lens
D. Biconvex lens
Ans : B. Concave lens

  • Near -sightedness,also known as short-slightness and myopia,is a condition of the eye where light focuses in front of instead of on the retina.This causes distant objects to be blurry while close objects appear normal.A concave lens (minus powered) is placed in front of a myopic eye,moving the image back to the retina and clarifying the image.

2.Which of the following are assigned geographic indicator tag ?
i) Kerala's Nendran Banana
ii) Karnataka's rose onion
iii) Arunachal orange
iv) Tezpur Lichi
A. Only ii
B. ii,iii and iv
C. i and iv only
D. all of these
Ans : D. all of these

  • Changalikodan nendran Banana of famously known as Changalikodan is a banana variety originated and cultivated in Chengazhikodu village of Thrissur district, Kerala. 
  • Bangalore rose onion,locally called gulabi eerulli,is a variety of onion grown in and around Bangalore in Karnataka. it got the geographical indicationtag in 2015.Bangalore rose onions are grown in the districts of Bangalore Urban, Banglore Rural,Chikkaballapur and Kolar.
  • Arunachal wakro orange has been registered under geographical indication registration along with eight other products from the North-East.Tezpur litchi is characterised by its distinct size,shape,color,flavor,taste, and juicy pulp and got GI tag in 2015.
3. A high Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) indicates that ;
A. water is pure
B. Absence of microbial action
C. There is low level of microbial pollution
D. There is high level of microbial pollution
Ans : D. There is high level of microbial pollution
  • Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD, also called biological oxygen demand) is the amount of dissolved oxygen needed (i.e.., demanded) by aerobic biological organisms to break down organic material present in a given water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period. So higher the biological oxygen demand,higher is the microbial pollution in the water.
4. "Dendrology" is associated with:
A. Animals
B. Trees
C. Man
D. Fish
Ans : B. Trees
  • Dendrology is the study of wood plants; typically trees but there are other things such as shrubs and vines that bear similarities to trees, so they are studied as well. Dendrology is a science that studies,identifies,and even names plants that have woody structural systems.
5. Sodium bicarbonate is useful as a fire extinguisher because
A. it serves as a blanket for fire
B. it releases water which extinguishes fire.
C. it emits a foam which extinguishes fire
D. it decomposes on heating to give carbon dioxide,which extinguishes fire.
Ans : D. it decomposes on heating to give carbon dioxide,which extinguishes fire.
  • Sodium bicarbonate ,regular or ordinary used on class B and C fires,was the first of the dry chemical agents developed.In the heat of a fire ,it releases a cloud of carbon dioxide that smothers the fire .That is,the gas drives oxygen away from the fire,thus stopping the chemical reaction.
6. Oil rises up the wick in a lamp,because of :
A. the liquid state of oil
B. the diffusion of oil through the wick
C. capillary action
D. volatility of oil
Ans : C. capillary action
  • Capillary action is the ability of a liquid to flow in narrow spaces without the assistance of,or even in opposition to,external forces like gravity.It occurs because of intermolecular forces between the liquid and surrounding solid surfaces.if the diameter of the tube is sufficiently small,then the combination of surface tension (which is caused by cohesion within the liquid) and adhesive forces between the liquid and container wall act to propel the liquid.Wicking is the absorption of a liquid by a material in the manner of a candle wick.
7. Which of the following is a wrong statement ?
A. All the minerals - are not ores
B. All the ores are not minerals
C. All the ores are minerals
D. From ores,metals can be extracted economically
Ans: B. All the ores are not minerals
  • Minerals are naturally occuring incorganic solids with a crystalline structure and a definite range of chemical formula.Ores are concentrations of minerals in rock that are high enough to be economically extracted for use. Example Aluminium metal is found in two minerals: clay and bauxite.Aluminium metal is extracted only from bauxite in a convenient way.So,bauxite is an ore of aluminium.
8.A person climbing a hill bends forwards so as to
A. Increase stability
B. move faster
C. reduce chances of slipping
D. conserve stamina
Ans: A. Increase stability
  • The person always bends forward when walking up the hill just to maintain  himself in stable equilibrium. By bending forward,the person tries to increase his base of support,so that the vertical line passing through his centre of gravity may still fall within the base.
9. Consider the following statements about transmission of AIDS:
i) By sexual intercourse
ii) By blood transfusion
iii) By mosquitoes and other blood sucking insects 
iv) Across the placenta
A. i and iii are correct
B. i,ii and iv are correct
C. i,ii and iii are correct
D. i,iii and iv are correct
Ans: B. i,ii and iv are correct
  • You can get or transmit HIV through specific activities.Most commonly ,people get or transmit HIV through sexual behaviors and needle or syringe use. Less commonly,HIV may be spread from mother to child during pregnancy,birth or breastfeeding  and being stuck with an HIV - contaminated needle or other sharp object.This is a risk mainly for health care workers.Only certain body fluids-blood,semen,pre-seminal fluid,rectal fluids,vaginal fluids, and breast milk-from a person who has HIV can transmit HIV.
HIV is NOT transmitted:
  • By hugging,shaking hands,sharing toilets,sharing dishes with someone who is HIV positive person.
  • Through saliva,tears or sweat that is not mixed with  the blood of an HIV -positive person.
  •  By mosquitoes,ticks or other blood sucking insects 
  • Through the air.
10. The 'stone'  formed in human kidney consist mainly of:
A. Calcium oxalate
B. Sodium acetate
C. Magnesium sulphate
D. Urea
Ans: A. Calcium oxalate

  • Kidney stone disease,also known as urolithiasis,is when a solid piece of material (kidney stone) occurs in the urinary tract.Kidney stones typically form in the kidney and leave the body in the urine stream.Dehydration from low fluid intake is a major factor in stone formation.Obesity is leading risk factor as well.Calcium is one of the most common type of human kidney stones,calcium oxalate.
11. Preening is associated with the cultivation of:
A. Coffee
B. Cashewnut
C. Rubber
D. Tea
Ans: D. Tea

  • Tea cultivation requires cutting branches at young stage of the tea plant. This cutting of branches is called preening.
12. The velocity of sound is maximum in :
A. Water
B. Air
C. Metal
D. Vacuum
Ans : C. Metal

  • The velocity of sound depends on the density of the material through which it travels.As the metals have the highest density in the given options, option C is the right choice.Sound travels at 343 m/s in air;it travels at 1484 m/s in water(4.3 times as fast as in air) and at 5120 m/s in iron .
13. Which compound is called 'Carborundum' ?
A. Calcium carbide
B. Aluminium carbide
C. Boron carbide
D. Silicon carbide
Ans: D. Silicon carbide

  • Silicon carbide (SiC), also known as carborundum is a compound of silicon and carborundum is a compound of silicon and carbon with chemical formula occurs in nature as the extremely rare mineral moissanite. Grains of silicon carbide can be bonded together by sintering to form very hard ceramics that are widely used in applications requiring high endurance,such as car brakes,car clutches and ceramic plates in bulletproof vests.
  • Electronic applications of silicon carbide such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and detectors in early radios were first demonstrated around 1907.SiC is used in semiconductor electronics devices that operate at high temperatures or high voltages,or both.
14. Which one of the following crop improvement technique is based on the concept of cellular totipotency in plants ?
A. Polyploidy breeding
B. Tissue culture
C. Induced mutations
D. Hybridisation
Ans : B. Tissue culture

  • Plant tissue culture is a collection of techniques used to maintain or grow plant cells,tissues or organs under sterile conditions on a nutrient culture medium of known composition.Plant tissue culture is widely used to produce clones of a plant in a method known as micropropgation. Different techniques in plant tissues culture may offer certain advantages over traditional mathods of propagation.
15. A small pouch containing silica gel is often found in bottles of medicines in tablet or power from because silica gel :
A. Kills bacteria
B. Kills germs and spores
C. Absorbs moisture
D. Absorbs all gases present inside the bottle
Ans : C. Absorbs moisture
  • Little packets of silica gel are found in all sorts of products because silica gel is a desiccant. it adsorbs and holds water vapor.if a bottle of vitamins contained any moisture vapor and were cooled rapidly,the condensing moisture would ruin the pills.
16. Brass gets discoloured in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in air?
A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen sulphide
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Nitrogen
Ans : B. Hydrogen sulphide

17. Which of the following metals forms an amalgam with other metals?
A. Tin
B. Mercury
C. Lead
D. Zinc
Ans : B. Mercury

18. What is laughing gas?
A. Nitrous Oxide
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Sulphur dioxide
D. Hydrogen peroxide
Ans : A. Nitrous Oxide

19. Diamond is an allotropic form of
A. germanium
B. carbon
C. silicon
D. sulphur
Ans : B. carbon

20. Which of the following metals remain in liquid for under normal conditions?
A. Radium
B. Zinc
C. Uranium
D. Mercury
Ans : D. Mercury


Directions for questions 21 to 25: select the correct alternative from the given choices.
21. Parliament has passed the enforcement of security interest and recovery of debts laws amendment bil,2016.It allows district magistrate (DM) to take possession over collateral within ------------days for securing the creditors.
A. 90
B. 60
C. 30
D. 120
Ans : C. 30

22. The lok sabha has unanimously passed the employee's compensation (amendment) bill ,2016 to reduce litigation in cases of disputes arising over compensation to workers.Which of the following is not a feature of it?
A. Mandatory for employer to inform the employee of his right to compensation under the parent Act.
B. Such information must be given in writing in Hindi,English.or the relevant official language at the time of employing him.
C. If employer fails to inform his employee of his right to compensation he will be fined penalty between $50,000 to $1 lakh
D. None of these
Ans : D. None of these

23. Sri Lanka and -------------have signed a tripartite agreement to proceed with the construction of a financial city center in Colombo
A. India
B. The USA
C. The UK
D. China
Ans : D. China

24. Which of the following is not a financial regulator?
Ans : D. FIPB

25. ---------------is the minimum age to open a savings bank account as per the rules of RBI
A. 18 years
B. 10 years
C. 12 years
D. 15 years
Ans : B. 10 years

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KAS GK Questions and Answers
KAS GK Questions and Answers


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