Tuesday 27 February 2018

GK question answers : chemistry


These are important Chemistry objective type questions and answers for all competitive exams like PSC, Bank PO, SSC CGL,  CDS, UPSC exams and all state-related exam. Practice with this huge collection of Basic General Knowledge Questions and Answers.

Q. The Chemical formula of baking soda is -
1) NaHCO3
2) Na2CO3
3) Ca(OH)2
4) CaCO3
ANS: 1

Q. Calcium carbide is used for artificial ripening of green fruits because it produces -
1) Auxin
2) Florigen
3) Methylene
4) Acetylene
ANS: 4

Q. Brass is an alloy of -
1) copper and iron
2) zinc and iron
3) copper and zinc
4) iron and nickel
ANS: 3

Q. Soda water obtained by passing carbon dioxide in water is -
1) an oxdising agent
2) basic in nature
3) acidic in nature
4) a reducing agent
ANS: 3

Q. Which of the following acids does not contain oxygen ?
1) Nitric acid
2) Sulphuric acid
3) Hydrochloric acid
4) All of the above
ANS: 3

Q. Baking soda is -
1) sodium carbohydrate
2) sodium bicarbonate
3) sodium sulphate
4) sodium hydroxide
ANS: 2

Q. The atomic nucleus was discovered by -
1) Rutherford
2) Dalton
3) Einstein
4) Thompson
ANS: 1

Q. Which of the following is responsible for acid rain?
1) Nitrogen oxide and Carbon dioxide
2) Nitrogen oxide and Carbon monoxide
3) Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen oxiede
4) None of the above
ANS: 3

Q. By which of the following can petrol fire be extinguished?
1) Sand
2) Water
3) Carbon dioxide
4) Saw dust
ANS: 3

Q. In view of environmental Problems, the use of which insecticide has been reduced?
1) Gammexane
2) D.D.T.
3) B.H.C.
4) D.M.T.
ANS: 2

Q. Stains Of rust on clothes can be removed by -
1) H2O2
2) Oxalic acid
3) Petrol
4) Alcohol
ANS: 2

Q. Transboundary pollution (or) Acid rain is caused by:
1) Nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide
2) Carbon monoxide
3) Carbon dioxide
4) Hydrocarbon
ANS: 1

Q. Which of the following is the most dangerous pollutant?
1) Carbon dioxide
2) Sulphur dioxide
3) Carbon monoxide
4) Nitrous oxide
ANS: 3

Q. Which of the following is an acid?
1) H2O
2) Na2CO3
3) HZSO4
4) NaCl
ANS: 3

Q. The expansion of D.D.T is
1) Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane
2) Dichloro Diamine Trichloroethane
3) Dichloro Diphenyl Tetrachloroethane
4) None of these
ANS: 1

Q. In an intrinsic semiconductor, the number of free electrons
1) Equals the number of holes
2) Is less than the umber of holes
3) Is greater than the number of holes
4) Impossible to say
ANS: 1

Q. Atomic number of an element gives -
1) The number of protons in its atom
2) The number of nucleons in its atom
3) The weight of the atom of the element
4) The total number of elementary particles in its atom
ANS: 1

Q. The major source of the pollutant gas, carbon mono-oxide (CO), in urban areas is -
1) Thermal power sector
2) Transport sector
3) Industrial sector
4) Domestic sector
ANS: 2

Q. Silica content of granodiorite is in the range of -
1) 22-44%
2) 66-88%
3) 44-56%
4) 44-66%
ANS: 4

Q. From which mineral is radium obtained -
1) Limestone
2) Haematitie
3) Pitchblende
4) Rutile
ANS: 3
Note: Radium was discovered in 1898 by Madame Curie in the pitchblende or uraninite of North Bohemia, where it occurs.

Q. The percentage of carbon in cast iron is -
1) 3 to 5
2) 0.1 to 0.25
3) 0.5 to 1.5
4) 6 to 8
ANS: 1

Q. The compound that has the least value for octane number is -
1) n-heptane
2) 2-methyl heptane
3) Iso-octane
4) 2, 2-dimethyl hexane
ANS: 1

Q. The credit of construction of first nuclear reactor goes to -
1) Niels Bohr
2) Fermi
3) Einstein
4) Oppenheimer
ANS: 2

Q. Which of the following react to produce urea?
1) Ammonium Chloride + Calcium sulphae
2) Carbon dioxide + Ammonia
3) Acetic acid + Ammonia
4) Methane + Carbon Monoxide
ANS: 2

Q. The percentage of carbon in steel is -
1) 3 to 5
2) 0.1 to 0.25
3) 0.5 to 1.5
4) 6 to 8
ANS: 3

Q. In photoelectric emission, the energy of emitted electron is -
1) same as that of incident photon
2) larger than that of incident photon
3) less than that of incident photon
4) proportional to the intensity of incident light
ANS: 4

Q. The word CNG in the transport network system stands for -
1) Chlorine Natural Gas
2) Commercial Natural Gas
3) Compressed Natural Gas
4) Condensed Natural Gas
ANS: 3

Q. Which of the following contributes the maximum to the greenhouse effect?
1) Carbon dioxide
2) Water vapour
3) Methane
4) Nitrous oxide
View Answer
ANS: 1

Q. The function of heavy water in a nuclear reactor is to -
1) Slow down the speed of neutrons
2) Increase the speed of neutrons
3) Cool down the reactor
4) Stop the nuclear reaction
ANS: 1

Q. Cooking gas is a mixture of -
1) Carbonmonoxide and carbondioxide
2) Butane and Propane
3) Methane and Ethylene
4) Carbondioxide and Oxygen
ANS: 2

Q. The antiseptic compound present in Dettol is
1) Iodine
2) Enloroxylenol
3) Biothional
4) Cresol
ANS: 2

Q. The law which states that the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is proportional to its partial pressure is
1) Dalton's law
2) Gay-Lussac's law
3) Henry's law
4) Raoult's law
ANS: 3

Q. The series in which the electrode potentials of metals are arranged in an order is known is
1) Electrode potential series
2) Electrical conductivity series
3) Electrochemical series
4) Chemical affinity sries
ANS: 3

Q. Some sources of energy are continuously produced in nature and are essentially inexhaustible. Which of the following is such a source?
1) Coal and lignite
2) Geothermal power
3) Natural gas and crude oil
4) Uranium
ANS: 2

Q. Kinetic energy of translation of an ideal gas is dependent upon
1) Pressure of the gas
2) Volume of the gas
3) Temperature of gas
4) Nature of the gas
ANS: 3

Q. Equilibrium established in a system in which two or more phases occur is called
1) Homogeneous equilibrium
2) Heterogeneous equilibrium
3) Stable equilibrium
4) None of the above
ANS: 2

Q. The temperature at which a real gas obeys the ideal gas laws over a wide range of pressure is called
1) Inversion temperature
2) Reduced temperature
3) Boyle temperature
4) Critical temperature
ANS: 3

Q. In a soild
1) Order effect and disorder effect are equal
2) Order effect of cohesive forces is less than disorder effect of thermal agitation of the molecules
3) Order effect of cohesive forces is greater than disorder effect of thermal agitation of the molecules
4) None of the above
ANS: 3

Q. Most reactive element among the following is
1) Fluorine
2) Iodine
3) Nitrogen
4) Oxygen
ANS: 1

Q. Which of the following has the lowest ionisation potential?
1) Bromine
2) Chlorine
3) Fluorine
4) Iodine
ANS: 4

Basic Computer GK questions and answers:2018 http://www.a2zgkinfo.com/2018/02/computer-gk-questionsandanswers.html

Degree Level PSC Questions and Answer- Constitution of India http://www.a2zgkinfo.com/2018/02/degree-level-pscquestionsandasnwers-constitution.html

Important 100 GK Questions for Competitive Exams 2018 http://www.a2zgkinfo.com/2018/02/GK-questions-competitiveExams.html

G.K Questions and Answers:2018 http://www.a2zgkinfo.com/2018/02/gk-questions-and-answers.html

GK question answers : chemistry
GK question answers : chemistry



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