Saturday 9 December 2017

PSC exam English Grammar Questions and answers

PSC English questions and answers

Hello friends, now we can learn some objective type English questions and answers.This type of questions surely asked in all type of competitive exams like UPSC,SSC,PSC and all other Gov exams. So friends try to understand the rules of grammar and grasp the tricks of questions, so you can solve an easy manner. 

1) He is backward---------his studies
(a) on 
(b) in
(c) for
(d) at
Ans-->(b) in
The preposition 'in' is use with 'backward'.

2) Those with ----------you associate should be honest 
 (a) who
(b) whose
(c) whom
(d) what
Ans-->(c) whom
if a subject is appear after the blank and also have  more than one verbs then use whom its a relative pronoun.

3) Choose the correctly spelt word:
 (a) committy
(b) committee
(c) comittee
(d) commity
Ans-->(b) committee

4) One of my friends ----------settled down in London
(a) are
(b) were
(c) has
(d) have
Ans-->(c) has
After the 'one of ' the noun use in plural form and verb use in singular form; here blank appear with verb so use singular form (has).

5) I am ------------university student
(a) the
(b) a
(c) an
(d) no article
Ans-->(b)  a
University have consonant sound , therefor 'a' is the answer.
For Eg :- A European
               A Union

6) No one is late today ---------?
(a) are they
(b) is he
(c) isn't he
(d) aren't they
Ans-->(a)  are they?
here 'no one' is the subject and 'is' is the auxiliary verb. plural form of is ---> are; and  the given sentence is negative so tag must be positive. 

7) Better take an umbrella -------it may rain
(a) so that
(b) provided that
(c) since
(d) on consideration that
Ans-->(c) since
In the given sentence 'may' appear so other options are didn't choose.

8) The more you eat,the--------you become
(a) fat
(b) fatter
(c) fattest
(d) fatty
Ans-->(b)  fatter
The +comparative form+sub+verb+the+comparative form+sub+verb 

9) They have----------to Mumbai.
(a) go
(b) went
(c) goes
(d) gone
Ans-->(d) gone
After the [ has/have/had] use past participle form of verb.

10) No sooner--------the chief guest arrived,then the meeting began
(a) did
(b) do
(c) has
(d) had
Ans--> (d) had

The given sentence is begin with 'no sooner' so after this must use auxiliary verb,the last verb is in past so answer is had.


Aviary ------------------------> The place where birds are kept
Apiary-------------------------> The place where bees are kept
Aquarium---------------------> The place where fishes are kept
Hutch-------------------------> The place where rabbits are kept
Sty-----------------------------> The place where pigs are kept
Insectariums-----------------> The place 
Igloo -------------------------> The shelter for Eskimo
Chalet ------------------------> The shelter of a swiss peasant
Dowar ------------------------> The shelter of an Arab
Tepee -------------------------> The shelter of an American India
Wigwam----------------------> The shelter of an American India
Caravan ----------------------> The shelter of a gipsy
Kraal -------------------------> A zulu village
Kennel -----------------------> The place where dogs are housed
Stable-------------------------> The place where horses are housed
Pen ---------------------------> The shelter for a cow
Byre --------------------------> The shelter for a cow
Den ---------------------------> The home of a lion
Drey---------------------------> The home for the squirrels
Lair----------------------------> The resting place of a wild-animal
Form-------------------------->  The house of a hare


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